Saturday, June 13, 2009

Giveaway! (and other stuff)

I will get to the give-a-way in a few minutes, but let me work through a bit here first. Hang tight because you will really like this give-a-way!! I promise!!

After ignoring our storage unit for almost 7 years, YES! 7 YEARS! Don and I spent the day going through it all, donating old furniture and clothes, looking at old pictures, reading old receipts, smiling at old greeting cards, and breaking down old boxes. Yeah, it was all OLD! Some of it was old as in vintage. Some was old as in valuable. Lots of it was old as in sentimental. But there was a whole lot of it that caused us to wonder not only why we had kept it all these years, but furthermore, why we had moved it across the country and back again, why we had paid storage fees to keep it. I mean, it is all just stuff. STUFF!

But it is our stuff.

After all these years, we felt that God was leading us to give away a lot of the things we had been holding on to. This was not just a physical thing. It was very much an emotional and spiritual exercise. I cried. You see, we so badly want to have a home of our own again. And for me, a woman, a mama, a wife, a "nester", these things represented my own "nest".

Hebrews 12:1 says this:
1 We are surrounded by a great cloud of people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.
So, was I sinning by holding on to all that stuff? Maybe. Maybe not. But it was doing no good in that storage unit. Will we have our own home again someday? I sure hope so. Oh Please GOD!!! But until that time, we need to keep working toward the goal. And the goal for this time in my life is becoming clearer. And for that I am grateful. Things are not getting any easier for us, and we are still very much having to lean on our faith. But I do believe that there were things in that storage unit that I was holding onto that were holding me back from fully depending on God. They were mine and I did not want to give them up. NO WAY!

Did I give everything up? Not yet. Will I? I don't know. Am I supposed to? I don't yet know that either.

Do you want to know what it was that was so hard for me to relinquish? It was a sofa, chair and ottoman, upholstered in navy and white ticking stripe by Lee Industries in 1989. They were old, dirty, torn, and not in good shape. But these items of furniture were the first real items Don and I bought as a couple. I had been working as an interior designer in an upscale store in the Bay Area, and these pieces represented our first real home as a couple. As Don and I, and later India, moved from place to place in the ministry, these pieces represented our "nest". What I should have realized and embraced, was that as long as we were together, we were "home". But still, I loved those pieces.

So, God spoke to me one night, in my tears of wondering if we would ever come out of this struggle. He told me to relinquish those old, torn, broken pieces of furniture. That was a few months ago. It took until today for me to do it. I do not yet feel relief that I did it. Don was very supportive. We were able to move our things into a much smaller storage unit today. When we finally do move into our own place again, we will know what is in every box and tub in that unit.

And I do believe that since God is the giver of all things, and He wants to give His children good gifts, that someday I will be able to buy a new set of furniture. And it will be exactly what I am meant to have, given to me by a Heavenly Father who loves me more than anyone can love me. Because He knows me the best.And just like my old, broken furniture, He wants me to give Him all the old, broken things in my life so that He can replace those things with what is best for me, whatever that may be.

Ok..........enough of that for now!!!

So I have a few fun pics to show.

First of all, here is another of my tester versions of Olabehe's Kirstin skirt. I used the pattern as a jumping off point and added a fun element. I channel ruched the overskirt with ribbon so that it could be pulled up to create a different look.

Ahnalin loves it! Dawn (the designer) loved it too but was concerned that people would wonder how I did it. Well, I do believe that I will work up a tutorial for this, so that once she releases the pattern, you can copy the look for yourself. So, hold tight and check back for the tutorial in the near future.

In addition to this, I have been working on my sewing area. My wonderful husband and my father-in-law worked together to build me shelves for some of my fabric and patterns.

Yes, even though we live with my inlaws, I am so blessed to have my own little spot. I am by no means done with the organization of my little area, but it is getting better by the minute. However, while working in the storage unit today, I discovered even more thread, patterns, fabric and notions that had been stashed away all these years. I do not have room for it all. So I have to start paring it down too. NO!!! But I must. So, I will go through that stuff, organize what I can, and give the rest away. That will come soon.

This does not even show my serger cones!
But I do believe that I will never have to buy thread again as long as I live........or at least for a few months.

I have not even brought over the 7 boxes of patterns I found. The crazy thing is that now, between designing my own patterns, and testing for other designers, I rarely use other patterns!

Here is the work in progress.....that is my sewing area that is starting to come together.
At least I can sew here now, instead of on the kitchen table! That means my mess is at least a little more contained to the joy of those around me!
Under this table, there are stacks and stacks of fabric that are hidden by the fabric curtains. There is also a pie safe filled with fabric, and that does not include the fabric in the storage unit still! YIKES!

India and Ahnalin are enjoying the box of dress-ups I found in the storage unit. India has been begging us to find them for years. Sadly, they were in the very back of the unit!

India has grown out of most of them by now, but she loved dressing up her sister this afternoon.

Now........if you got through allllllll that.......
I will tell you about my first ever GIVE-A-WAY!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
I am giving away two things here.
First, I am offering a "Side Winder" portable bobbin winder. This is such a cool thing! I have two of them, and one is unopened. So, one of you awesome, amazing and super cool people will be the lucky recipient of this neato thing!

Second, you all know that my hot, rockin' hubby is an awesome guitar player, right? Well, he is the lead guitar player for the up and coming country group, the Denny Russell Band So, I am giving away one of their cds! They have recently been getting radio play both here in the US and in France and you will hear much more of them in the future. And you can say you heard it here first!

So, leave me a comment on this post if you want to be entered. And if you want an extra chance, become a "follower" of my blog. As a mom, I am always telling my girls to be leaders, not followers, but it is ok to be a follower here, ok? If you are already a follower, tell me that and you will get two chances.

I will draw the winners on Wednesday, June 17, which also happens to be my Daddy's birthday.

Thank you for reading this far. I so appreciate you all!



Sonia said...

Wow, Sivje! You have had an extremely spiritual journey, going through and "casting off the things that hinder you". I'm excited to see what God has planned for your next leg of the race. This is one of my very fave verses:)
My supervisor at work is going through the exact same thing. You are not alone!

Kristy said...

Wow! Your sewing area looks awesome! My mom just redid a room in her house to be a sewing area (she is a big quilter) and she is so happy! I hope to break my sewing machine out soon and try some new things on it!

Carolyn said...


I feel for you, my friend, on having your own home. I'm not quite in the same place you are. Regardless, I'm praying for your heart's desire. I do have to say that you have inspired me to get out my sewing machine and serger and get to work! I haven't sewn in years (pretty bad for a home ec. major, no?). Maybe one of these days I'll get something made and will be able to share my pics.

I love following your blog and finding out about all your different projects. You are an inspiration to me!! And who knows, maybe one day I will have someone small again to sew for! :-)

Lots of love,
Carolyn in NYC

Colleen said...

You are one talented woman! I am sooo amazed by you!

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are an obedient woman of God.

Please don't enter me in the contests. Bless someone else with your sweet gifts. Just wanted to tell you that I follow your blog, and also LOVE the pics of your creations and your girls!

Colleen in NY

AnnMarie said...

Sivje - wow I really think we are kindred souls - I feel the same way about my "things". They are so much a part of me. Some of them I "know" I should part company with but just haven't been able to (and I have moved them over and over and over in the past 10 years - not cross-country but many times)

I also felt the exact same way about owning a home again. After the divorce I had to rent a townhouse (which was gorgeous) but not a day went by that it didn't kill me inside not to be "owning" a home for my three children. My new DH and I finally bought a home 5 years ago that we do absolutely love but unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control we have not had the funds to repair/restore/renew it the way it should be (it's over 100 years old)

But with God's help eventually it will be splendid once again.

Thank you so much for your friendship - you don't know how often I think of you! I only wish we had met when you lived on my side of America!!!!

Julia said...

You have pushed me one step closer to my purge! I don't really want to hold on to things. That's my DH. But, I have my mother's, grand in law
's, aunt in law's, etc.... stuff. We bought m y DHs grandparents' house 7 years ago. We've gotten rid of some, but then we moved my mother's stuff in, so I am overrun!! I have one more week of sewing and then I'm hitting the basement!!
Habitat for Humanity came a couple of summers ago and carted off 2 truck loads of stuff, but that was before we had my mom's stuff.
Your girls are delightful! That skirt is great. I will want the instructions.
I love my bobbin winder, so someone will be a lucky winner. Don't include me since I already have one.

jcrowe said...

Sivje Goose is the real author in the family. She writes with a flair of transparency that draws us all in . God has done a deep, deep work in her as He is doing His Spring pruning (John 15) in her and her husband. Out of all this will come powerful fruit that will last and change many hearts. After all Sivje even birthed a new baby for Christ when she was four or five years old by sharing her Savior with a neighbor girl. Think of her affect now to others. She is also really going to rule and reign with her Lord when we all are with Him. Dad

Tabbi said...

Oh this post really really touched me...I feel the same way and although we are not of the the Christian faith some of the same principles are at work in our life. This is what we have been doing these past few weeks is tightening our family bonds and pruning our home. Don't worry about entering me in the giveaway some other person should win these items I just wanted to say Hello!

Joy said...

You have said sop many things here that I have been feeling in my heart. God is asking me to "clean up" several aspects of my life. This is definitely a confirmation. Thnk you for listening to the voice of God!

Joy said...

How do I become a follower? I am such a computer dummie! LOL

Beth Barcellos Bell said...

Sivje---I know it's hard to part with stuff sometimes, especially when they are attached to meaningful times in our lives....but when we do part with it, how liberating it is!! I'm in the process of doing the same at our house....

I LOVE that skirt!! And I love your sewing area....what a joy it must be to sew in your own little place!

Thank you for offering the freebies....I have been having trouble with my bobbin winder, so if I win beans!

Praying for your venture in pattern making!


Darlene Owen Jones said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs, Sivje. Three years ago we moved from the large home we lived in for 39 years to a smaller house. That was really a time of shedding "things." And I can honestly say I haven't missed one of them. (And anything that I REALLY needed, I went out and bought.) One of the things I did during the "purge" was collect all photos in one place. Now I'm in the process of sorting them. My big issue now is how to show/share/display them. I don't have it figured out completely, but have posted some on FaceBook.

I love hearing about your family.
~Yer Cuz (first cousin once removed) Darlene

Denise said...

Sivje, Thanks for sharing your heart with us. I know I need to get rid of "stuff" that is clogging up my life too. It is not easy. Love, love, love the skirt and your girls are just beautiful. Enjoy your sewing "space" and I look forward to seeing more of your creations. I'd love to win the cd but since I don't sew....the other part of the gift would be better off with someone else. LOL!! Denise in PA

Dawn said...

Wow! was that a sounds like you had a wonderful day going through all your memories. We too need to purge a bunch of stuff that cluttering up our garage. As for your sewing space...Girl, you do have a lot of stuff, and I thought I was bad. I'm just fortunate to be able to have lots of drawers to stash a lot of my "treasures" in.

Once again for testing the skirt for me. I absolutely love what you did with it and once the pattern is published I will send people over to your blog for the tut. Currently, I don't have time to make one myself with several new designs on the drawing board.

BTW...the next one is almost done and should go out to my testers this week!!!! Now to start working on the next one! Gosh, I'm on a roll.

Anonymous said...

Darling skirts! Enjoyed reading your posts! Came over to your blog from a link from sewing mamas.

Jenna Z said...

WOW! That's a lot of thread! I am thinking about putting thread holders up on the wall like you have but I'm worried about it getting dusty if I don't use some colors very often.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the shelves that they put up to hold your fabric! How wonderful! I sympathize about having to get rid of your stuff ... it is very very hard to do that. I need to organize my sewing area.

Laura in AR

Desiree' said...

I am new to your blog :) Loving the sewing inspirations!! Now if I could only get my DH to help with my area...

Enter me in the giveaway please!!


Jessica said...

Thanks for commenting on our blog...I'm enjoying perusing yours! I LOVE your sewing spot and fabric! So organized.

I would love a chance to win the sidewinder, or the cd!


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog through a link on Sewing Mama's. I hope you dont mind, but I joined your followers. Your work is beautiful, but even more beautiful to me is your love of Christ and your obedience to Him. I am very young in my Christian faith and I have found much inspiration in your writing.

Thank you so much!

PS - Please do not enter me in the giveaway, I truly came for friendship alone!

Laura L. said...

Hi there Sivje,
Just wanted to tell you what a wonderful post this is. I loved what you wrote, and loved the photos. May God bless you abundantly today.
Don't enter me in the giveaway, even though I think it's an awesome one. I hope someone who sews a ton will win.

Jen said...

you would croak if you saw my sewing room! how did you get so organized??? i aspire to organization but have given up in despair. i love seeing your creations. Sign me up for your giveaway cuz that bobbin winder would really help me out!


Simone said...

Cousin Sivje, boy oh boy! Your words about the storage unit...AHEM. I was reading it to Trev and started to cry because of how much you are open and how I can SO relate to what you are saying. I am glad you are obeying the Lord, as you said HE WILL BLESS YOU in return. :) Love you guys!