I have not updated this poor blog in a whole week! So, pardon me if this post is rather random.
I have been busy with so many things, including finishing up all the details for releasing the Monkey Girl Bloomer Skirt pattern. The whole business aspect of this is one of the things that is taking longer than I thought. Then there is the whole "uncooperative model" aspect.....translation: cranky 4 year old who LOVES to hang upside down on the monkey bars, but now has decided it is "hot and too boring". But I promise you......it is coming! My testers did a lovely job and had wonderful input and suggestions. I made several changes and am very happy with how it is going.
I have a new email address! Yes! You can now reach me at Sivjegoose @ sivjegoose. com (removing the spaces, of course!) Yes, when the pattern is released, I will have several email addresses at the Sivjegoose domain! WOOHOO for technology!! Hopefully, the finished webpage will not be far behind.... Go ahead and send me an email a the sivjegoose address and tell me how excited you are that I am finally getting my stuff all together! Heehee!
Those of you who know me "in real life" know that I am crazy......er....OBSESSED with blue ribbons at the Nevada County Fair. This is my third year for entering items sewn my me. Because it is free to register online, and because you MUST register in advance to hold your space, and because the registration cut-off is 3 weeks before the day entries must be turned in, I decided to register for 31 items. Crazy, YES! But I figured that if I did not enter as many categories as possible, I was limiting myself to just a few of those lovely, lovely blue ribbons. So.....I entered 31 categories. I sewed like crazy, in addition to working on the pattern, dealing with broken sewing machines, broken printers, and the whole host of other normal, everyday mom and wife things. Sadly........I only actually turned in 18 items. Many of them I have posted over the last several months, but there are a few new items.
This little outfit was completely designed by Ahnalin. I had smocked the plate about a year ago and set it aside to make a little baby boy outfit. When I found the fabric on the bargain table at Ben Franklin, I thought it would be perfect. But Ahnalin pulled it all out a few weeks ago and told me that she NEEDED it. She picked out the style from my patterns and an old Orient Expressed catalog. She chose well, I believe. The pattern is Bonnie Blue "Hallie" and the smock plate is Ellen McCarn's "Ducks Ahoy".
The other new item that I actually completed, other than several more bloomer skirts, was this little sunsuit. It will be heading to Arizona soon for the lovely Miss Cherish. I love the fabric and the pattern is a vintage design that was the basis for many of India's, Emma's and Ahnalin's little sunsuits. It has a self tie in the back and is very full in the hip area. This should look darling on my gorgeous niece.
At this moment, I have no idea if I won any ribbons or not, and it is driving me crazy!! Last year, I won 12 ribbons, but there were very few other entries. This year, I told, er.. nagged so many people to enter, that I may have created more competition for myself. Now I am freaking out because I won't know until Thursday if I won anything!!!! AAAARRGGHHHH!!!!

Last year, I won "Best of Show" for this little number. And I must admit a certain vain affection for that lovely purple ribbon! OH My!! And did I mention that I earned a whole $3.00 for the prize? Yes! I did not share my winnings with anyone!
So.....here I wait.......until Thursday when I race to the fair, heart pounding, to view the winning entries....hoping against hope to see my pretties with ribbons....
Ahnalin has been very diligently nurturing her garden the last few months. Our tomato plants are nearly as tall as I am and loaded with tomatoes.......GREEN tomatoes. Every time one of those lovely pieces of fruit turns even the palest shade of orangey-red Ahnalin plucks it from it's green nest. I have begged her to let them ripen on the vine.....and she tries to restrain herself....But it is just a matter of days and she MUST pick it.
Hopefully, when all these gajillions of green tomatoes start to ripen, the girls will keep their hands off until those delectable globes are truly vine-ripened.
Tomorrow, my baby is turning 5 years old. I had actually planned to have a real birthday party in a few weeks after school started, so she could invite friends. But she informed me that she wanted a family birthday party on her real birthday. So....today....I planned a party! How is that for last minute? You know....some moms are super gifted in birthday party planning....and I am not one of those moms! However, I have noticed that great party or not, my children still manage to get older. Sob...... Thankfully, I had purchased Ahnalin's special gift some time ago and she wants a "cupcake tower" like we had last year. Easy Peasy!
Stay tuned for birthday pictures tomorrow!
our tomatoes are not getting red either, here in PA. what is up with that??
Your pattern is going to do great! You know how us mommies cringe when our little girls do flips (this will cure the cringe)!
I can't wait to find out how you did at the fair. I wish we had a local fair (we just have the big state fair and I'm not into it). I'd love to have my girls enter some stuff. I suppose I'd be tempted to enter something too.
Happy Birthday to your big little girl! You're right, they grow up fast. :(
Good Luck with the fair entries!
I'm anxious to hear how many lovely blue ribbons you win! I'm sure there will be quite a few!!
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