Today, in addition to being the Hot Rockin' Hubby's birthday, was the day I got to pick up my Nevada County Fair entries, along with the ribbons and premiums I won.
I am just a bit competitive. I LOVE to win ribbons. I also love to win the cash premiums that come with those lovely ribbons. The premiums, or cash awards, are just tokens. But....I want to win as many as I can because I do not need justify spending that award money on fabric. Ok, it is not that Don ever complains about me buying fabric, because I am really frugal. But I hate to use our much needed family income on fabric.
So, each year, I find that I enter more and more categories. Last year, I learned about the "Sweepstakes" award. This award is given to the entrant with the most entries in a division. And that award carries a cash award of $50.00! Last year, with my 13 entries, I was nowhere near the winner of this award, who had 34 entries. However, this year, fewer people submitted items, which was really sad to me. But I submitted 19 items and WON the Sweepstakes!!! So, I am not complaining!
Unlike last year, I did not win any "Best Of Division" awards. I was sad about it, but really agreed that those who won, deserved those awards. There were some truly beautiful and amazing items in the fair this year. I just wish more people would enter their handwork in the fair. I feel so strongly that the home arts should not be lost, and those who enter their items for exhibition and judging are a real encouragement to others. We need to be proud of our work and the art form it represents.
But, since I am proud, and many have asked, here are my ribbons! Sorry for the rotten photographs. I took them on my kitchen counter with not-so-great lighting.
Blue Ribbon = First place in a class (category) = $3.00
Red Ribbon = Second place in a class = $2.00
White Ribbon = Third place in a class = $1.00
Most of the items I entered, I had already shown on the blog, but a few are from before I started blogging.

So, how did I do?
I received 11 Blue ribbons, 5 Red ribbons, and 2 White ribbons. The smocked nightgown was discontinued because it looked "worn". Well, the girls did wear their nightgowns for Christmas morning, so it was "worn". That is ok. The judge wrote me a note that the work was very good even though she disqualified it. I still feel good about it.

The large ribbon at the top of the blog entry is the Sweepstakes award. With the Sweepstakes cash award plus the ribbon premiums, my total cash award this year was $95.00!!! I am thrilled!

Sorry, these pictures are so bad. I think I need to learn how to really take pictures!
Oh, and PLEASE, check out your local county or state fair, and find out how to enter your work. Even if you think you work would not win, or the judging is unfair, or you are just self conscious and nervous, step out and enter. You will end up pushing yourself to improve, and produce more. You will learn new art forms and meet fun people. You will encourage others to pursue these lovely skills.
And, you just may come away with some lovely ribbons and a nice check of your own!
Please tell me your "Fair" and "Competition" stories. I love to read of your tries and successes! And I pray you all have a wonderful week!
You did great! Congratulations. ~janet
Wow! Congratulations!
Great job!
You Go Girl!!!
Great job on everything!!
Congratulations Sivje! You are awesome. I'm proud to be known as your little brother.
Good job...I go to my county fair most years but am afraid to enter anything.
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